Wednesday, June 22, 2011

This Post is ONLY For The Serious...

As some of you may know if you have been using the Sudafed to ejaculate normally - you can sometimes lose erection quality.

When I started the protocol, I had a weak erection to begin with so I was using male enhancement pills to get a strong enough erection for sex anyway.

Personally I had poor erections and retrograde ejaculation due to my Diabetes. Many of my readers have told me that they are not Diabetics, but have Retrograde Ejaculation due to surgery or nerve damage, so many of them have reported that they have normal erectile function - minus the Retrograde Ejaculation.

If you've been doing your research online, you've probably read that there is NO cure for Retrograde Ejaculation - which is NOT TRUE!

Now, the protocol that I discuss here is not a CURE for Retrograde Ejaculation, but it does help you to ejaculate and is VERY helpful for men that need to ejaculate in order to father a child.

So if you're having trouble getting or maintaining an erection - or even if you don't have erection problems you may want to consider trying VigRx. So far everyone that gives me feedback says that VigRx is the best thing since Viagra (without the dangerous side effects)

Don't just take my word for it, Dr. Steven Lamm a frequent guest on The View with Barbara Walters whole-heartedly endorses this product. Take a look:

To take a closer look at VigRx Plus - click HERE now!

If you are Diabetic and your Retrograde Ejaculation is due to you being Diabetic, you've got bigger fish to fry than you not being able to ejaculate normally.

It's time to think about getting to the root cause of your issue. Like I have said many times, I USED to be a Diabetic. I was able to reverse my Diabetes in about 2 weeks.

Now, in order to reverse something like Diabetes, you WILL need to make some lifestyle changes.

What I did was decrease my carb intake, and ate more green leafy veggies. Don't get me wrong, I still had my cheat days, but for the most part I did make a BIG change, at least for me and the way I was living my life. I was a carb junkie, and my blood sugar was horrible because of it.

I also drink Alkaline (Kangen) water.

Alkaline Kangen Water is from Japan. 1 in 5 homes in Japan have an Alkaline Water machine, yet less than 1% of Americans are aware of this type of cure - and it's not just for Diabetes.

Let's put it this way...Magic Johnson has a machine. He's the healthiest guy with AIDS that I have ever seen in my life.

Click HERE for more information on my story of how I reversed my Diabetes.

Click HERE for more information on Kangen Water. After you read the information you may have questions - if so you'll see that you can call the machine distributor, his name is Frank O'Connor from Scottsdale Arizona. His number is listed on the ebook you're about to read.

I would appreciate comments/thoughts on what I have share here today.